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Focus of the Month Newsletter


Self-Reflection in Educators

Self reflection is a learned skill that should be practiced by both learners and educators, as it is an essential step in any growth process. Self-reflection involves careful examination of one's strengths and weaknesses, followed by a plan for change if necessary. In order to be able to teach self-reflection to your learners, though, you should be experienced in it yourself.

Self-reflection in educators asks you to set aside time to analyze and assess your own performance. This solitary time can bring to light which teaching methods are best suited for specific learners, and how effective they are in different educational environments. Once you have processed your reflections, you can then develop a plan to address what you have learned. Additionally, you can supplement your self-reflection by asking your learners for feedback.

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Learning Paths

Not sure where to start? Here's where to go if...

If you're a resident who is expected to teach medical students, follow this path to learn best practices and techniques for precepting.

If you're a new preceptor, follow this path to get a crash course in precepting.

If you're an established preceptor, follow this path to learn advanced tips and techniques.

If a new learner is about to join your practice, follow this path to make their transition into your practice go smoothly.

If wish to read all available pages in the competency domain Teacher and Professionalism, follow this path.

If wish to read all available pages in the competency domain Teacher and Learner, follow this path.

If wish to read all available pages in the competency domain Teacher and Assessment, follow this path.

If wish to read all available pages in the competency domain Teacher and Content, follow this path.

If wish to read all available pages in the competency domain Teacher and Environment, follow this path.

Use This Resource to Provide Your Preceptors With ABFM Performance Improvement Credits

Did you know you can use Teaching Physician to help you participate in the ABFM Precepting Performance Improvement program? First, use the Self-Assessment Tool to identify areas of faculty need, then build faculty development to meet those needs.

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With over 180 pages on the site, it was hard to choose just one. Click the link below to read our "Motivating Residents to Teach" page.